Community Confliktarts : Mausoleum Of Death (Norway)

We spoke with Mausoleum Of Death from Norway about their future projects and his experience with Confliktarts.

1- Can you present your band and your style of music?

We are Mausoleum Of Death, an international band which plays old-school death metal with twists and turns of thrash/hardcore and black metal.

The band currently consists of: Untermensch on vocals, Snarl on strings and AGandrud "Snuff-X" on drums.
Untermensch and AGandrud "Snuff-X" hail from Norway, and Snarl is our Italian Stallion and musical mastermind which along with AGandrud is very much responsible for our sound 😉

2- Why did you decide to make your CDs jewelbox with us?

Confliktarts came highly recommended by my buddy in France which runs his own label.
We were just asking around for good, reputable people to help us get our EP pressed properly and Confliktarts delivered in every aspect!
High quality work, fast delivery so we are extremely pleased!!

3- Would you recommend to other bands?

We will definitely be recommending Confliktarts for others who want to press their material, in whatever format they choose (which you guys deliver)
As we ourselves will definitely be coming back for more later on 😉
From us you have received a 10/10 score!👌

4- What are your plans for the future?

The Future for MoD currently holds plans to record material for a split release with a band from Austria, currently Snarl is hard at work conjuring up more of his magic.
So once this whole Covid business clears up, it's back to work and recording some more music...which hopefully people will dig.
Hopefully, if all goes according to material will manifest in 2021.
For those that wanna keep up on what we do, or possibly order a cd from us, you can find us here:


Ecrit par Ivan MUNOZ
Metalhead🤘, electronic music Producer/DJ 🎹 and community manager of Confliktarts

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